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acetyl-l-carnitine supplement Jun 15, 2023

🧠 Boost Your Brain with Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALC) 🚀


Did you know that Acetyl-L-carnitine (ALC) is a superstar amino acid that supercharges your body's metabolism, especially energy production? It's like a power boost for your cells! 💪


Animal studies have shown some exciting results - ALC supplements may help prevent age-related decline in brain function and even enhance learning capacity. And guess what? Humans can benefit too! Research suggests that ALC could be a game-changer, slowing down age-related cognitive decline and improving brain function in individuals with mild dementia or Alzheimer's. 🌟


ALC is the rockstar form of carnitine, a compound our bodies naturally produce (think CoQ10 vibes). But sometimes, we need a little extra support due to deficiencies. Carnitine is a key player in metabolizing fats, carbs, and proteins, as well as energy production. When it comes to brain health, ALC takes the crown! 👑


So how does ALC work its magic? It's all about protecting and enhancing the activity of mitochondria in our brain cells while reducing oxidative stress. This leads to increased energy production within those brain cells, resulting in improved brain function. 🧠


Clinical studies have backed up the positive effects of ALC on mental performance and memory. It's been shown to enhance short-term learning tasks, special learning tasks, attention span, and personal recognition. Some people have even noticed these improvements within the first month of use! But wait, there's more! Long-term use of ALC (over one year) is associated with even greater improvements in long-term memory and attention. 📚


Considering giving ALC a try? The typical dosage ranges from 900 to 1,500 mg per day. Remember, it's always wise to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the best dosage for your needs. 🩺


So, if you're searching for a natural way to give your brain a boost and enhance your cognitive function, ALC might just be the secret ingredient you've been looking for! Unlock your brain's full potential and take charge of your mental vitality today! 💡


We offer a phone consultation with our Nurse Practitioner, Mackenzie Jones, in which you’ll review your symptoms, goals, and what you may have tried in the past. She will then discuss how she would approach your case. The discovery call is 30 minutes long and the investment is $50. This step is optional. No direct medical advice is given at this appointment. 

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